About FIMA
Federation of Industry and Management Association, with an aim to serve Industry & Professionals at the all India level, promoted to engage in creating business opportunities and to provide the necessary training, skill development, testing facilities and other support systems for the Indian Industries and Professionals
FIMA works to create and sustain an environment conducive to the development of India, partnering Industry, Government and civil society, through advisory and consultative processes.
Message from the Founder of FIMA
I am extremely happy to be part of the founding team of Federation of Industry and Management Association (FIMA) as the Founder and the First Chairman.
I look forward to the participation of Industry and Management Professionals in fulfilling our mission by becoming members.
News Update
FIMA’s Aerospace & Defence Facilitation Centre, with an aim to support MSMEs cater to the needs of Indian Armed Forces and also Export their products, is now open for FIMA members. The facilitation center will help members connect with Indian & Foreign buyers as well as providing designing facilities, material analysis and manufacturing support. In the due course the centre will support the Industry towards Indigenisation & Innovation
For more information contact us